Monarch Waystation Garden
Highlights of our Third Year - 2024
Winter Sowing Workshop Held for Kids and Parents
The Winter Sowing Workshop was a new event to interest community kids, parents and grandparents, as well as other adults, in a method of outdoor seed starting for perennials that need stratification to germinate. A secondary purpose was to introduce some of the Milkweed and other native plants in our garden which require cold stratifiction, Although the two-hour interactive workshop was designed to be kid-friendly, adults seemed to have fun too.
The workshop had 21 participants including 11 kids. Donations for the kits covered our expenses of room rental and supplies, but the real payoff was seeing the excitement on the kids’ faces as they learned about a new topic and had fun putting together their mini greenhouses to take home, plant with purchsed seeds and those from our garden, and set them up for spring germination.

Portable Pump Purchased for Improved Use of Rain Barrel
One issue that we have had with our 325 gallon rain barrel has been getting enough water pressure to use our soaker hose network for the garden. During most of the last year we sought advice from a variety of professionals. Most solutions suggested were not possible financially. We wanted something that was going to be relatively easy to operate and portable enough for our members to use. Unfortunately our garden is in a very open and heavily traveled spot and we did have an incident of theft which played into our decision-making dilemma.
After discussion with irrigation experts, we identified and purchased what we hope is the ideal pump for our rain barrel. It is portable enough that each person working on the garden can install it quickly, push the on button, and utilize the runoff water from the Sports Center roof captured by the barrel. The pump is light enough to carry back and forth to prevent theft. A rolling carrying case makes this even easier.

Garden Clean-Up
Our first clean-up work party was a great work session! Ten members, including two brand new ones, did much-needed weeding, edging, sweeping and blowing off the sidewalks. We expect this third year of our pollinator garden to be the best yet. The time went quickly with lots of good conversations about gardening while cleaning up. Those who were not pinned previously were so honored as a Monarch Garden Guardian by receiving a specially made pin at our April meeting.

Safety Issue Addressed
Due to past erosion from run-off from the roof downspout and the size of the rain barrel, It has been very difficult to get around the rain barrel from the garden to the water spigot and for other reasons. This spring, a local contractor assisted us by building a retaining wall that will shore up the area as well as create a bigger path around the barrel. Since we were only charged for materials and not labor, we are indebted to Jamie Yates for this beautiful addition to the area. Sally Navarini, President of PVP which owns the property, was gracious in moving her company’s dumpsters, further enhancing the beauty of the immediate area of the garden.

Spring Planting
Again this year, Colonial Farm Nursery has grown about 120 plugs for us, three different varieties of marigolds and a tray of Little Bluestem. They will fill in the garden along the edges as a deer deterrent. These plants, along with some other measures, have kept deer away from our garden in the past and we are crossing our fingers again this year. The rest of the garden is filling in very well from the self-seeding of our current plants. Due to the spring rain and warmer temperatures, the garden seems very full for this time of year.

Home Tour Fundraiser Annouced to Benefit Monarch Garden
Our home tour has been our club fundraiser for about 8 years, benefiting several different projects including refurbishing a local fire department station and establishing a chestnut orchard on the Mtn, View Golf Course. For the past three years, the Monarch Garden has been the recipient of the funds earned by the tour. This year, proceeds will pay for the wall which had to be added due to safety concerns for those who volunteer there.
Grant Application to Assist Area Families In Planting Native Trees in Their Yards in Fall
In July, our club will be submitting a grant for a project that will assist area families in purchasing well-established native trees for their property at a very reduced cost. We will host a demonstration of the correct method for planting and mulching a tree and additionally we will purchase and plant an oak tree for the future enjoyment of the children at the playground near our garden. In partnership with a local landscaping company, we will offer a way for those who may have difficulty physically planting their tree to get assistance in doing so.
Monarch Mania! to be Held Saturday, October 5 at Monarch Garden
Since more children continue to move into The Woods and our greater community, we will hold another Monarch Mania event for kids and their families. Members will staff various stations with craft projects utilizing native materials and flowers from our garden. Watch for more information about how you can register your child, grandchild or yourself for this fun afternoon.
Sign Up to Help in the Garden
Volunteers are needed to work