The Founding and Early History of the Woods Garden Club
(Taken from our early scrapbooks)
2002: “The Woods Garden Club was formed on May 16, 2001, after a landscaping seminar given in the clubhouse by Rocky Ridge Nurseries. Jim Richardson, the Recreation Director at the Woods, organized this event which was attended by Woods residents interested in gardening. At the end of the meeting, Pat Seabrooke circulated a sign-up sheet for people who were interested in forming a garden group. Linda Mallett and Mary Ann Flister aided Pat in establishing the foundation of the club. From the original 14 names, the group has grown considerably and is a Woods sponsored club.”
2003: “The Woods Garden Club celebrated its third year with a full schedule of activities and civic projects. The club designed and donated an irrigation system for the Mt. Lake Postal Station. The gutters and water barrels collect rainwater to care for the plantings installed by club members. Other ongoing civic projects included the garden cleanup and installation of new flowers at Hedges Chapel and at the Women’s Shelter in Martinsburg. These projects were supported by funds earned at the community yard sale and by membership dues. In May of this year, club members went to Willow Pond Farm in Fairfield PA for a tour of the herb gardens and for lunch. It was the third visit to this popular site. In June, club members joined with the Travel Club to visit Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA. the sold-out trip got rave reviews from participants.”
In those early years, the club met in members’ homes, places of business, or the Mountain View Room, a club and multipurpose room which was located where the pub is now within the Woods Clubhouse. Clubs decorated this room and there was a lending library there as well.
In addition to Willow Pond Farm, the club traveled to Hagerstown Community College for its annual garden show and even the Philadelphia Flower Show.
Meeting speakers were club members or local businesspeople or members of the community with specific skills or knowledge. The club historian kept a detailed record. The annual calendar was a mix of speakers and activities.
Here was the calendar for the first recorded year – 2002:
May – Community Yard Sale and Mother’s Day Plant Sale
June – Speaker, John Clatterbauch, “Container Gardening”
July – Speaker, Larry Lower, “Garden Design”
August – Speaker, Maggie Keeler, “Growing and Cooking with Herbs”
September – Speaker: Elizabeth Blackburn, Panhandle Gift and Floral Design, “Making a Dried Floral Arrangement”
October – Trick or Treat Bags for the Shenandoah Women’s Shelter
November – Speaker, Linda Mallett, “Birding 101”
December – Club Luncheon, Purple Iris, “Wreath Making,” Joyce Keys, Tomahawk Gardens
In addition to the activities mentioned previously, in the early years the club undertook a variety of community service projects including:
Created and maintained the gardens surrounding the Mailbox Kiosk on Mt. Lake Road,
Planted shrubs and bulbs at the Wintercamp Road trash collection area,
Collected food for Loaves and Fishes of Hedgesville,
Decorated the Woods Clubhouse for the holidays, and
Donated funds to Warm the Children and the Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission.
The club continued to serve the community in more recent years by doing the following:
Refurbished the Mailbox Kiosk Gardens in multiple years,
Helped design and provided financial assistance for the new Hedgesville Public Library landscaping.
Led a community drive to furnish the #70 Fire Station on Mt. Lake Road and organized the purchase and placement of such items plus provided additional financial support for the station.
Expanded the Halloween Candy Bags to include kids at Bethany House, a homeless shelter for women and children,
Created a Facebook page and Club website,
Showcased the beauty and diversity of Woods homes at our Home Tours,
On multiple occasions, led kids’ seed planting activities at the 40th anniversary Community Festival & WoodsFest
Ran the food concession at the community yard sale,
Partnered to develop a demonstration American Chestnut Orchard on the Mt. View Golf Course.
Created a Monarch Waystation Garden behind the Sports Center and planted a Northern Red Oak adjoining thev Playground,
Developed a Native Tree Planting Project from a grant from the Cacapon Institute, and
Created a community Snowman Decorating Project with the assistance of James Rumsey Tech.
We traveled to the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley and Bluemont Vineyards; Fallingwater and Deep Creek Lavender Farm; the National Aviary and Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh; Hershey Gardens and Butterfly Atrium, Hershey Story Museum and Chocolate Lab, Adams Co. Winery; and Michie Tavern and Monticello and Gardens. In 2023 we traveled to Longwood Gardens and the Brandywine Museum of Art (featuring the Wyeth family of artists). In 2024, we took 38 people on a three day tour around West Virginia, stopping at many iconic venues. To celebrate the start of our 25th anniversary, we are currently planning another three day trip to some of our favorite places of the past.
Without this early foundation, developed by many, we would not be the club we are today. Thanks to all who have been involved over the years!
To see photos depicting our history and many of the activities above, check out our Commemorative Anniversary Slide Show in the Photo Gallery Section.